Calculate Test Legal Fee Calculator RMLegal Fee Calculator SubmitCalculateReset Total Legal Fees Payable : RMTotal Legal Fees Payable : {"conditional":[],"formula":{"total-10":"let propertyPrice = x[1];\nlet legalFee = 0;\n\nif (propertyPrice <= 500000) {\n legalFee = propertyPrice * 0.0125; \/\/ 1.25% for the first RM500,000\n} else if (propertyPrice > 500000 && propertyPrice <= 7500000) {\n legalFee = (500000 * 0.0125) + ((propertyPrice - 500000) * 0.01); \/\/ 1.25% for the first RM500,000 and 1% for the next RM7,000,000\n} else {\n legalFee = (500000 * 0.0125) + (7000000 * 0.01) + ((propertyPrice - 7500000) * 0.01); \/\/ 1.25% for the first RM500,000, 1% for the next RM7,000,000, and 1% for subsequent purchase price (subject to maximum 1%)\n}\n\n\/\/ Round the legal fee to 2 decimal places\nlegalFee = roundVal(legalFee, 2);\n\ny[1] = legalFee;"}} Number 1 Total